EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE(ESS) is offering the comprehensive technologies in natural science with challenging spirits, aiming at the creation and conservation of the friendly and confortable natural environments in the world.
Tel: +81-3-6271-7386
Site investigation and assessment
ESS provides a full service environmental consulting and engineering for clients in environmental investigation, assessment, remediation and compliance. Utilizing a global perspective and latest technology, ESS is capable of performing projects at soil and groundwater remediation sites.
ESS carries out site investigation and assessment on soil and groundwater contaminated sites using geotechnical, geophysical, hydrogeological and geochemical technologies. Our client are ranging from National Government, Tokyo Metropolitan and Prefecture Governments to private companies and personals. Our services available to site investigations are as follows.
●Soil and groundwater sampling
●Soil and groundwater laboratory test
●Geophysical Exploration
●Groundwater pumping test